BeOnBoard is growing! We're proud to welcome our newest members of the team as they come on board to turbo-charge our aims and ambitions of inclusive leadership in Bristol and the South West. So without further ado, let's hear from them...
BETH STEPHENSON - Administrator, Freelance Social Media Marketer, Blogger:
"I’m passionate about helping companies with their marketing, admin and communications, particularly with their social media. Recently I got to speak at the Bristol Women in Business Charter’s event on intersectionality. I’m going to share what I spoke about and how this topic relates to the great work done at BeOnBoard..." click here to read in full
LAURA MORIN-QUINTAL - Programme Manager, Entrepreneur, Advocate of Women in Leadership:
"With over 20 years of business experience, in Strategy, Marketing and Business Management, I am delighted to join BeOnBoard, an organisation that I deeply admire. During my time at BeOnBoard, I will collaborate on the Aspire Project (see below), a programme that will prepare, transform and inspire the future of Boardrooms in the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise sector across Bristol..." click here to read in full