Welcome to another edition of the BeOnBoard newsletter. With Easter behind us and Eid ahead, April has been a busy month of major religious festivals and also a time of remembrance. 22nd April marked the anniversary of Stephen Lawrence’s murder in an unprovoked racist attack 29 years ago which is now Stephen Lawrence Day, a day to reflect on the part we all play in creating a society in which everyone can flourish. It's also National Stress Awareness and National Autism Month. All these events represent a fantastic opportunity for individuals and organisations to embrace and to celebrate inclusion. In this spirit, through recruitment, training and consultancy, BeOnBoard continues to support aspiring talent from under-represented backgrounds and organisations so that they can confidently lead with diversity. So, at a time when the country's leadership is looking questionable, and with a referendum about our City Mayor on May 5th, now is always the best time for you to lead by example and do the right thing. No matter where you are on your journey towards inclusion, read on to find out how BeOnBoard can support you to move your good intentions for ED&I into meaningful action. |